A Tradition of Alumni Pride Since 1969



News from the WVU Alumni Band in Morgantown, West Virginia. To arrange an interview with a WVU Alumni Band officer or member, please contact President, Al Hall.
  • 25 Jan 2022 11:10 AM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    Register today so you don't miss out participating in this event. Registration is open through March 5, 2022.

    Parade Information

    We need to be at line-up by 9:00am.  The parade begins at 10:00am.  We plan to hold a rehearsal at line-up if allowed.

    Equipment/Instrument Rental – We are working to be able to provide rental equipment for this event.  If you can rent from a local music store (such as Music and Arts) or can borrow an instrument from a local school or a friend, please do so.  

    IF we are able to provide rentals, there would be a limited number/type of equipment available. More information about this will be posted as it becomes available.  

    Please be sure to visit the Pittsburgh Saint Patrick's Day Parade page at our web site.

  • 11 Jan 2022 6:10 PM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    The registration portal to pay membership dues for 2022 is now open under the "Events" section of the website.  Early bird payments are being accepted through March 31, 2022 and are $25.00.  Any membership processed after that date will be the annual fee of $35.00.  Please click here to be directed to the membership form.


  • 05 Nov 2021 10:35 AM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    We have WVU Alumni Band, Inc merchandise for sale for the holiday season.  All orders must be placed by midnight Monday, November 15, 2021.  Orders will begin to ship December 02, 2021.  Please see link below.

    WVU Alumni Band Holiday Apparel Order Form

  • 19 Sep 2021 2:55 PM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    Homecoming 2021 registration is now closed.  

    NOTICE: We will NOT have any tickets for the game or the tailgate available the day of the homecoming event.

    Registered event members will receive an email next week with final details concerning 2021 Homecoming after WVU holds their meeting with all attending organizational leaders. Stay tuned for more details.

  • 14 Sep 2021 5:56 PM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    Registration for Homecoming has opened back up until midnight, Friday, September 17, 2021. A late fee registration for 2021 Homecoming activities is now applicable. If you didn't get your registration in early, you have a few more days to register.  If WVU cancels guest participation for Homecoming, all of your money, minus the registration fee and late fee will be refunded.

    Please be sure to read all of the details to register here.  If you have not paid your 2021 membership dues, please login and go here.

    The deadline is Friday, September 17, 2021.  We will not have any extra tickets for the game or the tailgate so you must register to reserve your tickets.

    Let's Go Mountaineers!

  • 11 Aug 2021 10:30 AM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    Stay tuned!  Invitations are soon to come from the College of Creative Arts for a celebration of the Pride Practice Field and Facility being held at 10:30 am on Sunday, October 3.  Pride Alumni members will be Dean Jackson’s special guests for a brunch celebration in the Canady Creative Arts Center parking lot.  Let’s celebrate the progress made to raise money in support of the Pride Practice Field and Facility project and launch the next phase of a home for our marching band.  

    Let’s Go!

  • 24 Jul 2021 7:54 PM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    We hope you are well and enjoying your summer!  Did you see the Best Virginia team and some of our own WVU Alumni Band members on ESPN during the TBT Basketball Tournament this past week in Charleston, WV?  If you didn’t see any of the games, you sure missed a great time.  

    Congratulations to Best Virginia for making it to the 3rd round!  Even though they were defeated by Team 23, they had a great showing and some exciting basketball play. 

    A big Thank You to everyone who made their way to Charleston and played in the pep band. You all looked and sounded great!  You made us all very proud!  Thanks goes out to Angelia Barnett for coordinating all of the details with the TBT event staff.  And a special Thank You to Ellen Ramey for not only conducting such a great group of musicians, but for rallying the troops to get the different instrumentation covered. Awesome job everyone! 

    We have just 41 more days!  Are you ready for some football?!  As we transition to fall and college football, we have some updates to share about upcoming August events and WVU Homecoming 2021. Please take a moment to review our latest announcements.   


    · Tuesday, August 10, 2021 – The Pride Picnic is being sponsored by the WVU Alumni Band, Inc.  It will be held at Krepps Park. The High Street Jazz Band will be providing music during dinner.  We need members to assist in setting up starting at 4:00pm. If you would like to participate, email Dave O’Neil (correspondence@wvualumniband.org) so we know how many people to expect.

    · Homecoming 2021 – We are pleased to announce that we will return for WVU Homecoming 2021 weekend with a modified schedule.  To plan an engaging weekend, we recently asked all of you to complete a survey about Homecoming weekend.  Additionally, we have been consulting for months with WVU Athletics, the directors of The Pride, and the College of Creative Arts Dean’s Office.  After reviewing the survey responses and getting the latest information available from WVU, we have prepared what we hope will be a weekend filled with new memories as we celebrate being able to gather together with old and new friends.  Because there are no guarantees with each football weekend due to COVID, we have decided to go with a set of activities that most likely will be able to move forward as planned.

    o Friday, October 1, 2021

    • Homecoming parade – We will plan to march in the parade if WVU has a parade and allows outside organization participation.

    o Saturday October 2, 2021

    • Pre-game Tailgate – A pre-game tailgate prior to the WVU vs Texas Tech Red Raiders football game.  Time and place will be announced soon.  Tickets to attend the tailgate (which will include food and beverage) will be available.  More details soon.
    • Football game – We will have tickets available for purchase for members and 1 guest for each member.  We will not be marching on the field or playing in the stands.

    We hope to open Homecoming registration in mid-August as soon as all costs for activities are finalized.  Information will be sent by email and posted on the WVU Alumni Band, Inc. website (www.wvualumniband.org), at our Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/wvualumnibandinc), and Facebook Event Page (https://www.facebook.com/WVU-Alumni-Band-Event-Page-103390524613434). 


    2020-2021 WVU Alumni Band, Inc. Officers

  • 24 Jun 2021 4:38 PM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    Tomorrow, we are launching our second Field of Dreams Silent Auction in support of the WVU Pride Practice Facility. All money from the auction will be donated to this fund.

    The Auction goes live on Friday, June 25th at 12:00am and ends on Friday, July 2nd at 9:00pm (Eastern time).  The auction is open to band alumni and the general public.  Be sure to share the auction information with your friends and family.  We have four great items (please see attached photos):

    • WVU Coaches Field Jacket
    • WVU Jacket
    • WVU Plush Blanket
    • WV Stemless Wine Glass Set and Decanter with Lid

    Please review and place your bid for the auction using the following link.

    https://desktop.livesourceapp.com/home;county=Monongalia County;eventName=Field of Dreams - June 2021

    Thank you in advance for your support!


    Angelia Barnett

    Vice President/Fundraising Chairperson

    WVU Alumni Band, Inc.

  • 04 Jun 2021 11:42 AM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    A WVU alumnus is having a Virginia Tech game watch party September 18th on the southern New Jersey shore in Haddonfield.

    He is requesting a pep band for before, during, and after the game. This is a beautiful beach house on lots of land, the event will happen rain or shine. Check it out! exitzerohouse.com

    If you are in the New Jersey/Philadelphia/Delaware area, please consider volunteering. This will raise over $250 for the new practice field!

    Please respond to James Burkhamer at  eventmanager@wvualumniband.org with name, location, phone#, and instrument. 

    We need at least 20 people with a good mix of brass, and least one drummer. Once we have confirmation that there are enough volunteers, we will officially launch the event.

    Thank you and Let's Go Mountaineers!

  • 22 Feb 2021 8:25 PM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

    Dear Pride Alumnus,

    Now in existence for over 50 years, we continue to strive to make our University Marching Band program one of the best, if not the best in the nation.  We hope that you will be able to take part in one or more of the many exciting events that we are offering this year and experience firsthand the pride we take in supporting the Pride of WV.

    We, the Alumni Band, rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. Without the assistance of Pride-minded individuals just like you, we wouldn't be able to serve those in our Marching Band each year.

    This week, we are starting out with our first Silent Auction of many more to come. The Auction runs through Sunday, February 28 and is open to everyone.  Be sure to share the auction information with your friends and family.  We have two great items:

    • John Denver with the Pride of WV framed photo
    • Pride and Alumni Band coat rack

    Please review and place your bid for the auction using the following link.


    This Field of Dreams Auction is in support of the WVU Pride Practice Facility Fund.  All money from the auction will be donated during the WVU Day of Giving.  On Wednesday, March 3, the Day of Giving donations will be matched dollar for dollar by the Maier Foundation in support of the Pride Practice Facility and Field Project.  

    Thank you in advance for your support!


    Angelia Barnett

    Vice President/Fundraising Chairperson

    WVU Alumni Band, Inc.

  WVU Alumni Band, Inc.
  WVU Alumni Association

  PO Box 4269

  Morgantown, WV 26504

Copyright © 1999-2025. West Virginia University Alumni Band.

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Supporting the WVU Marching Band with Pride 

Charter Member of the National Association of Alumni Bands 



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