A Tradition of Alumni Pride Since 1969


Membership Benefits

What expenses do the dues pay for each year?

Dues support the ongoing operations and growth of the WVU Alumni Band. The following graph shows the main expenses categories dues support.

2025 Membership Levels

This year we have five membership levels:

  • Pep Band Membership
  • Hail West
  • Fight Mountaineers
  • Country Roads
  • Don & Kaye Jean Wilcox

Please see the membership table below. You can click on the table to enlarge it.

Membership Types

Pep Band - Membership is for a member who only wants to play for pep band performances during the year without attending membership meetings, participating in other member only events, such as homecoming, serving on committees, or having voting rights. Pep Band Membership will be $10.00 for the year and you will be required to purchase the official Navy Pep Band T-shirt. (T-shirt pricing to be determined based on the vendor.)

Hail West (Free for 1st year after marching with The Pride.) & Fight Mountaineers ($50 for the year. However, an early bird rate of $40 if paid by March 31st.) - Membership includes: 

  • participation in membership events, such as homecoming,
  • participation in pep band events,
  • participation in membership meetings, including having voting rights,
  • committee participation,
  • access to member only content, member forums, photo galleries and more, and
  • name badge with membership level during homecoming.

Country Roads ($100)- Membership includes:

  • benefits in the Fight Mountaineers membership
  • $20 Alumni Band merchandise voucher,
  • discounts for various member events during the year,
  • early bird registration for homecoming, and 
  • $10 donation for Pride Fundraising.

Don & Kaye Jean Wilcox ($150 - This membership is available to married couples, domestic partners, or for two members living at the same address and both have marched with the WVU Marching Band.) - Membership includes:

  • the first member will receive benefits in the Country Roads membership, and 
  • the second member will receive the benefits in the Fight Mountaineers membership.

Members selecting the Don & Kaye Jean Wilcox membership will have couples packages to select from for different events throughout the year, including homecoming.

First year members need to complete a membership application before paying for dues. Click here to complete the application. 

To select a membership and pay dues, please click here. You must be logged in to your account to access the membership payment portal.

A question-and-answer session for members who have questions about the new membership levels is forthcoming.

Why should I join the WVU Alumni Band?

  • Participate in the annual WVU Homecoming Weekend
  • Contribute to and benefit from a growing network of alumni
  • Develop friendships and partnerships with members of all ages
  • Support initiatives for performing with other musicians locally and internationally
  • Access to member only content like the member forums, photo galleries and more
  • Access to and information about ongoing WVU Alumni Band activities
  • Grow personally and professionally

  WVU Alumni Band, Inc.
  WVU Alumni Association

  PO Box 4269

  Morgantown, WV 26504

Copyright © 1999-2025. West Virginia University Alumni Band.

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Supporting the WVU Marching Band with Pride 

Charter Member of the National Association of Alumni Bands 



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