A Tradition of Alumni Pride Since 1969


Dues Date Change

09 Jan 2016 11:33 AM | Sarah Bennett

In the 2015 newsletter, it was reported that the date for annual membership dues would change from July 1 each year to January 1.  The WVU Alumni Band, Inc. committee voted to make this change in date to ease record keeping and align it with tax reporting for the 501c status. The membership present at the October 10, 2015 annual membership meeting, held during homecoming weekend, voted to approve the change.

Dues are $20 and can be paid using the on-line payment system or by check/money order mailed to

WVU Alumni Band, Inc.

PO Box 1028

Dellslow, WV 26531-1028

Lapsed Memberships: If when you login to pay your dues you find that your membership status is “lapsed,” you may choose to pay electronically. You will need to contact the Webmaster so that your account membership dates can be properly applied. The WVU Alumni Band, Inc. DOES NOT collect for past dues – only current year dues. However, your lapsed status will not automatically update to reflect the current year payment. So please be sure to send an email to webmaster@wvualumniband.org so that your account can be updated with the appropriate membership dates.

Membership status will change to lapsed if the member has not paid dues in the last 364 days.  If your membership has a status of lapsed for more than two years, your account will be archived and no longer accessible. You will have to contact the Webmaster to have your account re-activated. Our membership database is growing every year and having inactive accounts is costly to the organization.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you September 30th – October 1st 2016 for WVU Homecoming weekend events.


2015-2016 WVU Alumni Band, Inc. Board of Directors

  WVU Alumni Band, Inc.
  WVU Alumni Association

  PO Box 4269

  Morgantown, WV 26504

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Supporting the WVU Marching Band with Pride 

Charter Member of the National Association of Alumni Bands 



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