A Tradition of Alumni Pride Since 1969


2025 Membership Dues

21 Jan 2025 5:51 PM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

To our WVU Band Alumni:

We are pleased to announce the launch of our 2025 membership year! The new WVU Alumni Band Board of Directors (BOD) have been busy. In December, the following BODs were elected to serve as the officers for 2025:

  • President - Cindy Woody
  • Vice Presidents - Angelia Barnett and Lisa Gillett
  • Secretary - Rebecca Campbell
  • Bursar - Theresa Smith

Congratulations to our new officers!

The BOD approved the 2025 budget and membership dues on Sunday, January 12, 2025. Our various committee volunteers have been hard at work for the past week preparing all of the updates to the database, dues portal, and website for you! Thank you to this team for all of their hard work!  

We have some exciting events this year that you will not want to miss. Be sure to check out all of the details. We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our upcoming events!

New for this year 

This year we are offering five membership levels:

  • Pep Band
  • Hail West 
  • Fight Mountaineers
  • Country Roads
  • Don & Kaye Jean Wilcox

To learn more about the membership levels, see our member benefits page for full details and a graphic of the different levels.

Pep Band - ($10 and the purchase of the official Navy Pep Band T-shirt. T-shirt pricing to be determined based on the vendor.) For the member who only wants to play for pep band performances. Performances require the navy pep band T-shirt. This level does not include participation in member events, such as homecoming and the member will not have voting rights.  

Hail West (FREE for 1st year members joining after marching with The Pride.) & Fight Mountaineers ($50 for the year. However, if you pay your dues by March 31st, an early bird discount will apply, and the dues payment will be $40.) - Membership includes: 

  • membership events, such as homecoming,
  • pep band events,
  • voting rights,
  • member meeting and committee participation,
  • access to member only content, such as member forums, photo galleries and more, and
  • name badge with membership level during homecoming.

Country Roads ($100- Membership includes:

  • benefits in the Fight Mountaineers membership,
  • $20 Alumni Band merchandise voucher,
  • discounts for various member events during the year,
  • early bird registration for homecoming, and 
  • $10 donation for Pride Fundraising.

Don & Kaye Jean Wilcox  ($150 and includes two memberships for married couples, domestic partners or two members living at the same address.) - Membership includes:

  • the first member will receive benefits in the Country Roads membership and
  • the second member will receive the benefits in the Fight Mountaineers membership.

Members selecting the Don & Kaye Jean Wilcox membership will have couples packages to select from for different events throughout the year, including homecoming.

A question-and-answer session for members who have questions about the new membership levels is forthcoming.

To select a membership and pay dues, please click hereYou must be logged in to your account to access the membership payment portal.

We rely on membership dues to pay for general operating costs, including but not limited to:

  • storage unit
  • insurance
  • website and database/domain, other IT
  • accounting fees
  • office supplies

As a reminder, any event fees that the Alumni Band takes in for events like homecoming pay for member related event costs and do not fund our general operating costs.

We provide an electronic payment system for dues. However, if you need to pay by check, please see the mailing address below. If you have any questions while processing your membership, please email info@wvualumniband.org. If you have questions about your payment, please contact the Bursar at TheresaSmith@wvualumniband.org

We look forward to a successful year for the WVU Alumni Band and hope to see YOU at our next event!

Please reach out to any BOD, officer, committee chairperson, or committee member if you have questions or suggestions to make the WVU Alumni Band better! Board Members and Committee Members may be found at our website under the “About Us” tab and clicking “Board of Directors” or “Committees”. If you are interested in joining one of our many committees, please click here and complete our committee form. Committee chairpersons will reach out to you.


Officers and Board of Directors, WVU Alumni Band, Inc., 2024-2025

WVU Alumni Band, Inc.

WVU Alumni Association

PO Box 4269

Morgantown, WV 26504

  WVU Alumni Band, Inc.
  WVU Alumni Association

  PO Box 4269

  Morgantown, WV 26504

Copyright © 1999-2025. West Virginia University Alumni Band.

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Supporting the WVU Marching Band with Pride 

Charter Member of the National Association of Alumni Bands 



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